Lazy Girl Fashion Trend

9 Ways to Stop Living the Lazy-Girl Fashion Life and Get Your Act Together
9 Ways to Stop Living the Lazy-Girl Fashion Life and Get Your Act Together

Even Kim Kardashian opts for something sexy over cozy, and she's due in December. You can definitely wear that floral skirt today.

If there’s one thing in this world I excel at, it’s being lazy. I’ve waited for the laundry basket to overflow before throwing clothes in the wash. I’ve canceled party plans in favor of sitting on the couch watching Netflix. I snooze my alarm, chill out in my towel, and have perfected the art of picking things up with my feet. (I could probably text with my toes by now, but I’m too lazy to try.) I didn’t see any of this an issue until recently, when I realized BAM! my laziness had somehow creeped its way into my wardrobe. Around last Fall, I had adopted the ultimate lazy girl motto, comfort over everything, but looking back at photos, it dawned on me: comfy ain’t always cute. No matter what they call them, joggers are probably just sweatpants. Oversize sweaters will always be baggy. And some outfits just look better with heels. I’m trying to remind myself of the real reason I fell in love with fashion: as a way of expressing myself; it’s the message I’m sending out to world. Do I want really want that message to be "Girl who woke up late and threw on the only thing that wasn’t wrinkled"? Nope, not really. I’d much rather be polished, professional, and always put-together. I imagine many women, especially as they grow older, have a hard time letting the lazy girl go, so I compiled some tips I’m using to stay on track. Because while I won’t be giving up binge-watching (too many shows, not enough time) or towel chilling (some of my best thinking is done then), it’s time to say goodbye and embrace the fierce, fashionable woman I know I can be.

1. Plan Ahead

It’s a good idea to pick out your outfit the night before or even Sunday, before the week begins so you’re not scrambling to find something last minute. This way, if you do snooze one time too many, your look will be waiting, ready to go.

2. Ditch Anything That Doesn’t Flatter Your Body

I recently went through my wardrobe, making sure I was honest with myself: did this item actually fit me? Was it giving off that "polished" message I was trying to achieve? If not, it went in the donate pile. I also got rid of a good portion of slouchy pants, preventing myself from resorting to them on lazy mornings (it just leads to regret). 

3. Embrace the Best of Both Worlds

It’s possible to combine elevated and comfortable: culottes and wide-leg pants are two trends I’m totally behind. Both styles feel like pajamas, but look like the complete opposite, which is basically the best of both worlds if you ask me.

4. Find Some Inspiration

Bloggers have an annoying little habit of always looking on-point: they wear heels, rock form-fitting dresses, and are always photo shoot ready. While it may be their job to do this, I find they’re a great source of outfit inspiration as I’m getting ready.

5. Keep Your Clothes Clean

And by that, I mean do laundry. You might be surprised at how easy it is to put together a killer look when you’re able to choose from all of your options  I know I am!

6. Travel With Flats

My morning commute is a rough one, so I don’t have the time to hobble around in heels. On days where I’m looking for a boost, I travel with flats and change my shoes once I’m at the office a style choice that elongates my body and really makes all the difference.

7. Think About the Greats

Does Anna Wintour try to "make leggings work"? How about Karl Lagerfeld? Even Kim Kardashian opts for something sexy over cozy, and she’s due in December. You can definitely wear that floral skirt today. You’ve got this.

8. Get Nostalgic

Remember that time you felt underdressed because everyone was wearing heels and you showed up in sneakers? Or that photo with your BFF where you look somewhat disheveled and have no idea why you chose to wear a hoodie? Nothing will get you into fashion-forward outfit faster than looking back on the not-so-great ones.

9. Remember It’s OK to Take a Break

The weekends are a totally acceptable time to forget all of these rules and just relax. Wear the sweatpants, eat the cookies, live the lazy life  and totally catch up on Scream Queens, because, girl, it is good.
