Going to Buy High Heels? Keep These 6 Things in Mind

Going to Buy High Heels? Keep These 6 Things in Mind
Going to Buy High Heels? Keep These 6 Things in Mind

A right pair of heels not only fit your feet perfectly but also add positively to your posture. It boosts your self-esteem and makes you look ultra-chic.

Buying the perfect pair of heels for yourself is not a cakewalk. An imperfect and uncomfortable pair of heels not only hurt your legs but also affect your health and posture. Most of the girls regret throwing away their money for the wrong type of heels. A right pair of heels not only fit your feet perfectly but also add positively to your posture. It boosts your self-esteem and makes you look ultra-chic.

1. Take Right Measurements of Your Feet

You should frequently take the measurements of your feet. Our feet don’t remain same throughout our life. They change as per our age. Sometimes it reduces while the other times it gets increased.

2. Never Compromise with Comfort

No matter how chic a pair of heel seems to be, if it is not comfortable there’s no need to buy that. Believe me, you yourself isn’t going to wear it more than two to three times in your life. Don’t buy extremely tight footwear. Don’t think that it is going to expand when worn daily. Some sandals don’t work on this principle.

3. Noon Time Is the Best to Buy Heels

Yes, you heard it right. During the afternoon, your feet gets expanded naturally. that’s why it is the best time to buy heels which fit your feet perfectly.

4. Match It Properly

Don’t buy a pair of heels which have a striking colour and it doesn’t go well with any of your clothing. You should keep the colour of your clothes in mind. If not all, then the maturity of them. it should match at least pairs of your clothing.

5. Buy A Heel Cap

Heel cap is just a plastic cap for your heel which reduces the sound made by your heel while walking. People won’t be able to hear your ‘tic-tok’ sounds while you walk.

6. Use Extra Supports

Sometimes, some heels do require some extra support for comfort. These are called arch support or insoles. They add comfort to your pair of heels. You can walk great distances while wearing your favourite pair of heels with the help of insoles.
