Prince Harry knows not ‘what a happy family looks like’ due to Princess Diana’s divorce

Prince Harry reportedly left the royal household without truly “thinking it through” and all of this stems from his broken home status.

Royal biographer Penny Junor, believes Prince Harry moved away ‘without discussing it’ solely in order to make Meghan Markle happy.

According to her piece in The Mirror, Junor believes Meghan Markle is a lot “more complicated than she looks”, the same as Princess Diana.

“I think there is an element of history repeating itself,” Junor admitted. While Kate Middleton has an entire family behind her back, Meghan comes from a broken home and barely has her mother on her side.

Thus, since Meghan Markle felt hurt by the British tabloids, while being thousands of miles away from her mother, Prince Harry took action, “without thinking it through or discussing it with the family.”

Junor also spoke at length about Princess Diana’s traumas and claimed that while she appeared to be a ‘perfect wife,’ based on her parent’s aristocratic status, “What Charles didn’t know was that Diana had been badly traumatised by her parents.”

“Diana grew up feeling unloved. Those terrible feelings blighted the rest of her life and were a significant factor in the break-up of the marriage. William and Harry, therefore, grew up with little understanding of what a happy family looks like.”

The only reason Prince Harry is ok with giving up everything he’s ever known is because Meghan Markle truly “swept off his feet” with her version of love.
