‘Self-exiled’ Prince Harry putting his ‘head above the parapet’ for America?

Prince Harry
Prince Harry

Prince Harry has just been ridiculed for being a ‘Brit celebrating freedom from British rule’ on the fourth of July.

These claims and statements have been made by royal commentator and expert Daniela Elser.

According to a report by News.com.au Ms Elser believes, “Irony is a bit like art – you know it when you see it.”

She also went on to say, “Take this weekend in the US, when the land of the free was busy celebrating their independence from that rotter George III back in 1776.

The day is all about throwing off of the yoke of British tyranny so what better occasion for Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, to put his head above the parapet?”

“The self-exiled duke was out and about in he and his wife Meghan’s hometown of Montecito, a moneyed enclave two hours north of Los Angeles, over the holiday weekend, a fact we know thanks to the efforts of the area’s eagle-eyed paparazzi.”

“However, while these new shots show the 38-year-old giving us Classic Flavour Harry – kinda glum expression, khaki shirt – what is unusual is who was with him: namely his adorable two-year-daughter Princess Lilibet.”
