Suri Cruise’s Play Group Chemistry

Suri Cruise's Play Group Chemistry
Suri Cruise's Play Group Chemistry

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes apparently don't want to let their three-year-old daughter play with other kids, even children in her two dance classes.

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes apparently don’t want to let their three-year-old daughter play with other kids, even children in her two dance classes. In this way Suri Cruise is not permitted to get involved with non-Scientologist children.

She is not allowed to engage with her dance friends before or after class. Her mother takes her and waits in the lobby during class. Then they take her away again.

They only allow Suri to get involve with the children who are Scientologists. And she doesn’t have many opportunities to play with children and they want her to remain happy spending time talking to her dolls.

In spite of her lonely (without friends of her own age) survival, Suri has many things in her life to keep her busy. Moreover having tuition in Spanish and French, Tom and Katie have now signed her up for piano and violin lessons.

Both the Tom and Katie think that she’ll be great at both and are completely encouraged that she will practice continually. They are treating Suri as she is a little adult, and that she can involve with them and their friends. They also don’t say no to her as they believe that she will be aware of well what is right and wrong as they just explain it to her.

The couple seemingly rejects to treat Suri as a child and prefer to behave as if she is their equal.
